27 October, 2011
35 again??!!?!?
25 October, 2011
Dogfish Head Festina Peche
4.5% abv
A curious malt liquor with peach flavoring. Not terrible, but not fantastic. Sorta a peachy sourness to it. But not like a Kool-Aid, where it is so yummy you could drink glass after glass. I was fine with one glass.
21 October, 2011
Kawasaki: Tires/Wheels Mounted

18 October, 2011
More Kawasaki Assembly

16 October, 2011
Mad River Brewing Imperial Red Ale
A super yummy Imperial Red. Nice nutty body with a good bite of hop bitterness on the back end. Mmmmm.
Nice choice Mimi!
RIP Dan Wheldon
Kawasaki Assembly
14 October, 2011
Palme Louca
no abv given
I nice mild Brazilian lager, but with enough malt flavor to know it is a beer. Nothing great, but at least it has some taste! It was a perfect thirst quencher after a morning of working outside sanding some motorcycle parts.
13 October, 2011
Miyata Miyapet Intro

Feather River Brewing Snake Bite IPA Release
I hit up the Feather River Brewing companies release of their new Double IPA tonight, with neighbor Doug and his wife Kathy. Good beer, good company, and we got to chat a bit with Roland the brewmaster.
12 October, 2011
Kawasaki Engine: Top End Unfreezing
11 October, 2011
Kawasaki Parts Delivery 1 & 2
10 October, 2011
Kawasaki Engine: Top End
Possibly Buying a Miata
We'll see if I can arrange for pickup from the owner this week.