18 June, 2013

English Brown Toast

I pulled a sample of my English Brown Toast off the primary fermenter after 7 days.  It is a bit on the light side of the Southern English Brown SRM scale (approximately a 20 based on my brewtoad calcs) but the flavor is outstanding.  I used Maris Otter as the base grain, with some Caramel 90L and some toasted Carabrown specialty grain.

I simply put the carabrown on a sheet, and toasted it under the broiler for about 15-20 minutes.  It darkened up a fair bit, and had some really nice toasty aroma/flavor to it.  I used Crystal and Fuggle hops throughout.

I don't normally brew English beers, but wanted to take a stab at a different style.  Also, my current bottle options are on the big side, with English Barleywine, Wee Heavy, and my Dark Strong Belgian.  I was in need of a lighter beer for these hotter temps.

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