26 December, 2011
25 December, 2011
Kawasaki Gas Tank: Boobs and Dragons
The proud artist:

Boobs, 6-shooter, spear, dragon:

Bushmaster indeed:
17 December, 2011
Trials Bike gets some Beef

11 December, 2011
"At least you have all your teeth"
05 December, 2011
Fuzzy lip
I'm still rocking the stache. got tired of the hulkster side pieces, and decided to treat Susan to a fuzzy upper lip. I'm due for a clean shave on the rest of my face though, to really accentuate it.
03 December, 2011
Kawasaki Screams to Life!!!
Kawasaki Exhaust Part Deuce
24 November, 2011
Kawasaki Exhaust

19 November, 2011
Kawasaki Wiring and Carb Rebuild

16 November, 2011
12 November, 2011
Wasatch Evolution Amber Ale
4% abv
Another extremely good beer from Utah. Who would have thought? I'm surprised how much robust malt flavor and body they can cram into 4% abv. This is just delightful, from the malt filled aroma, to the smooth finish.
Kawasaki Engine Install
Big Sky Slow Elk Oatmeal Stout
A nice stout, for a cool Saturday. This is a very smooth beer, somewhat lacking in stout characteristics, but very smooth. And despite the oatmeal, it feels a bit thin. Tasty though.
11 November, 2011
06 November, 2011
Kawasaki: Center Stand

05 November, 2011
Caldera Brewing Rose Petal Imperial Golden Ale
Yes indeed, it smells and tastes like rose petals! Which is much better than anticipated. I've had a neighbors lemon blossom ale, which was very tasty, and this reminded me of that. The base beer is decent, with a good balance of malt and hops. But the rose petal flavor dominates, without overpowering.
It Runs!!!! Bridgestone BS-7 Content Inside
04 November, 2011
Bridgestone BS/7 Pics
02 November, 2011
Kawasaki Stuff

27 October, 2011
35 again??!!?!?
25 October, 2011
Dogfish Head Festina Peche
4.5% abv
A curious malt liquor with peach flavoring. Not terrible, but not fantastic. Sorta a peachy sourness to it. But not like a Kool-Aid, where it is so yummy you could drink glass after glass. I was fine with one glass.
21 October, 2011
Kawasaki: Tires/Wheels Mounted

18 October, 2011
More Kawasaki Assembly