Traced out a pattern roughly 1/2" bigger around than the size needed. Then I bent the edge over to give it a 1/2" depth. I then drilled a few 5/8" holes in it:

Inside view of the cover:

To keep the thin aluminum from bending in while I drilled it, I cutout a piece of 1" thick rigid foam to fit inside the cover. I was surprised how hot the cutout aluminum piece was, as it melted down through the foam:

The almost finished side cover mounted up. I have since made the other side panel, and given them a light wet sand to scuff them up a bit. I didn't want them to have that brand new shiny plate look.

I would have posted a "finished" picture of the covers, but I locked my keys in the garage, and Susan is off at Salvation Army serving food. So you'll just have a to pretend to know what they look like, while I drink a beer.
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