no alc given
The third of four Hook and Ladder offerings that came in my sample pack, this Golden Ale was a nice surprise. It has a bit more color than a typical light Ale, with a creamy foam topping. It has a much deeper body than expected, packed full of sweet malt goodness. It is very smooth overall, with the malt and sweet tones overriding the soft hops. I was also surprised by how well the flavors kept with it on the aftertaste. One of the few light Ales that you can actually taste between sips.
Well done.
7% abv
Drake advertises their IPA as Gold Medal winning. In fact, it took home the honors at the 2002 Great American Beer Festival. And I can see why, as it was excellent.
It poured out with a great deep color and stiff peaky head. It also had some sediment in the bottom of the bottle that dripped out over the foam like a sprinkling of nutmeg. Great aroma, with a balance of fresh hops and smooth malts. That balance stays through the body too, with a great IPA taste. It even has enough hoppy bitterness to keep the IPA fans happy.
Overall, a great IPA, and a great beer.
7% abv
I almost poured out this IPA into a giant glass of foam. Luckily, I caught it and was able to slow it down. I don't think it had much effect though, as this was a very good solid IPA. Not super hoppy on the front end, but it had very strong hops and bitter notes through the body and finish. In fact, the bitter notes really hung in there between drinks. I usually don't dig overly bitter IPAs, but this was pretty tasty.
no alc given
This was a strange one. It was both very sweet yet strangely sour. The malty tones were pretty subdued, in fact, it smelled very malty, but the sweetness overpowered the malt. And for some reason, it had a Bavarian Heff style sourness to it, which is not my favorite. But luckily, everything managed to balance out into something I enjoyed.
4.5% abv
A perfectly good drinking brown, but lacking much of the unique characters that make up a brown. If that makes any sense. Fairly dark in color with a medium body and a nice syrupy mouthfeel. Flavors were fairly mild though, which was surprising given the meaty color. The nuttyness is there, but it is just very subdued. It also has a hint of sweetness and malt flavor that balances it well. I just wanted more of a flavor hit, probably because I don't get many browns.
So not your typical brown. Which can be good or bad, depending on if you like browns.
ps: thanks Rich for the note about the abv!
6.7% abv
A very tasty, and very potent fresh hop ale. It poured out with great head, and a very rich color. Aroma was pretty hoppy, but not too biting. The bite saved itself for the full-bodied flavor, which had just enough fresh hop taste to be exciting. There was ample bitterness on the finish too. Overall, a real top notch beer that was fantastic on a Saturday afternoon.
9% abv
Old Rasputin poured out very thick and creamy, coating the glass with a thick syrupy flow. A stiff peaky head lasted for quite a while, even after sipping down half the glass. There are sweet malty overtones, but no trace of the somewhat high alcohol content. Basically, a nice smooth thick bodied stout that was great to drink.