15 August, 2014

More Beercamp Beers

Chico King Pale Ale:  What to say about this one?  Well..I couldn't finish it.  It just didn't taste good.  I'm not sure if it was infected, but it had a very stale quality about it, and a not so good flavor.  Really disappointed with this one.

Electric Ray India Pale Lager:  A big 8.5% and 70ibu pale lager.  I liked the upfront hop aroma and flavor, but the bitterness levels weren't that overpowering given the stated ibu.  The big alc no doubt helped.  I would have liked a bit more malt body though, as you wouldn't have known this was a big beer, without reading the label.

Canfusion Rye Bock:  tagged as a dry hopped rye bock, this is pretty good.  I like the citrus hop aroma and flavor, and the bitterness is fairly low.  Nice body too, but the dry hopping very much comes through.

There and Back English Style Bitter: Ok, but not a great English style.  Pretty bland overall.  It could have used a bit more malt body, as it just wasn't very flavorful.  It did have a nice bitterness on the back end.


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  2. Steviezombie@aol.com
