13 August, 2011

Bridgestone BS-7: Front Wheel Rebuild

After some morning weed pulling, I decided to rebuild the front wheel on the Bridgestone. I dismounted the old crusty tire, disassembled the wheel, then proceeded to clean, paint, and polish. The front wheel bearings were in great shape, as were the seals. I also cleaned up the front brake shoes, pivot pins, and springs.

Lacing up the wheel. Always fun.

Truing up the rim. This is usually a pain in the ass, as you have to go back and forth on the spoke nipples to get things centered up, both with side-to-side run-out, and wheel balance.

Completed wheel, with fresh 2.5x17 IRC NR53 tire and tube mounted up. I gave the hub a very light polish, using 000 grade steel wool and oil. Then a very light rubbing of aluminum polish. The original rim polished up nice with some light chrome polish:


1 comment:

  1. Good jop! as Santo J Bimbo used to say! (he was the editor of the Fiat newsletter)
