Many moons ago, I brewed up a strong brown. In fact, this was my second attempt at brewing. I hadn't moved into using grain at this point, but I discovered the big cans of liquid extract. I should also add that I wasn't using Qbrew at the time, so I wasn't really doing a great job of dialing in the ingredients. Because of this, I got a little carried away with the ABV.
At the two month in the bottle point, it was very strong. Lots of alcohol warmth. I tried to make a point of keeping the rest of the bottles tucked away to let it condition. So I cracked one open at the 6 month mark:
Way better. As in very tasty. There is still a bit of alcohol warmth throughout, but it isn't overwhelming. In fact, it has a great roasty aroma, full flavor, and a smooth/sweet aftertaste.
Here is the basic recipe:
Recipe Characteristics
Recipe Bitterness 5 IBU
Alcohol by Volume 8.8%
Recipe Color 19° SRM
Alcohol by Weight 6.9%
3.30 lb Briess LME - Traditional Dark Extract
0.75 lb MrB. Booster Sugar Other
1.21 lb MrB. Englishman's Nut-Brown Ale Extract
0.50 oz Cascade Whole 10 minutes
Quantity Misc Notes
1.00 unit Mr. Beer Dry Ale Yeast Temperature Range: 68°-76° F 2.0 GRAMS
haha. I just finished my first batch of brown and while drinkable, I went way overboard on the ABV too! About 8.4%