06 March, 2010

Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron


12% abv

"Malt Beverage Aged on Palo Santo Wood"

This is very interesting. It is very strong, obvious from the 12% alc content. But it is just strong throughout. Aroma is dominated by a distinct alcohol scent. Is it possible for something to smell warm? Because this does.

It has a real meatiness about it all the way from the pour, to 5 minutes after a swallow. It doesn't feel thick, but it sure does coat the glass well, like syrup. It even has a syrupy glaze color to it. Taste is a mixture of malts, alcohol, and a bit of sourness. Mostly booze and malts though. Topped off with some booze. While it is good, and strong, it isn't that well balanced. So you better be in a mood for some warm alcohol lovelies when you crack this open.


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