16 December, 2009

Beer Advent Calendar: Day 16

Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA
9% alc.

Another sample from Dogfish Head. After Midas Touch, I just have to close my yes and pray to the beer gods that I enjoy this one. And of course I do, since it is a nice hop infused IPA. Great nose, with fresh hop scents and a touch of alcohol. Clean and clear in color, it also sticks to the glass well.

Great hoppy body, and a strong hoppy finish all the way through. But not in a bad bitter way. In a "super hoppy, chewing on hops, gargling in hops" sort of way. Did I mention it is very hoppy?

This isn't something I could drink everyday, but when I want to turn my hops up to 11, this would make a great choice.


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