29 November, 2009

Beers and Tools

Despite sitting on my ass for the past four days, I managed to do a bit of tool organization and sorting. I pulled out all the hand tools from from three different tool boxes, and sorted them on the living room floor. Thank you Susan, for letting me keep them there for a few days.

Good grief. My tool count included:

9 - needle nose pliers
11- slip joint pliers
7 - wire cutters
12 - 12mm wrenches
32 - phillips screwdrivers
40 - flat screwdrivers

and on and on and on. I have since found homes for everything, including making some little drawer dividers to keep all the sockets and wrenches in their own little home. Properly labeled of course.

And speaking of home, that's where I was today when Susan surprised me with my first Christmas gift. My comment "Man, I'm jealous of Sean's beer a day advent collection" was apparently taken as a hint. So look what showed up today!

Susan made her own beer advent box. Hand picked singles from several sources around town. Mmmm, can't wait to start on Tuesday. Week 1 is already in the fridge.


1 comment:

  1. Cool! Advent beer rules.

    I really need to do that with my tools too. Twelve 12mm wrenches = almost enough to find one when you need it.
