Flying Dog Brewery Snake Dog India Pale Ale
7.1% alc.

As luck would have it, I received quite a bit of beer for Christmas. So why not continue my ale inspired blog? Exactly!
Of coure, I had already forgotten about my blog and cracked open a new bottle, poured it, and enjoyed half of it before I remembered to snap a pic. So don't mind the above pic, missing roughly half of its volume.
The description of this IPA compares it to a bitchy old ex girlfriend, one who would slap you in the face. That's pretty accurate, because this IPA slaps you right in the pucker factor. Awesome color with a very hoppy nose. there is a good bit of alcohol aroma too. The body is quite strong with hops. At first, I thought overdone, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It has a nice constant strength though, meaning the hoppy bitterness stays the same from start to finish. It never gets wickedly bitter. Just bitter enough to keep it interesting.
As a side note, this beer appeared very carbonated, as the glass bubbled away 30 minutes after I poured it. We joked that it looked like we dropped a fizzy alka seltzer tablet in it.
Overall, I like this quite a bit.
Edit: I've been trying to leave a bit in each glass, to see how it tastes when it warms up. Well, this IPA gets strong. Like really strong. Much stronger alcohol scent and the bitterness gets magnified. It never gets real harsh, but you can tell this is a strong IPA.